Supportive Periodontal Maintenance
Following active phase of periodontal therapy, continuous monitoring of your gum tissues and preventative periodontal treatment is vital to maintaining your periodontal health.
Maintenance, along with good oral hygiene, are the keys to good oral health. Dr Rosenberg and his associates will develop a maintenance programme for you on completion of the active phase of periodontal treatment. Adherence to this maintenance programme as well as strict home oral care will give you an excellent chance of keeping your gums healthy and extending the life of your teeth. Studies have shown that people with a history of gum disease and who do not adhere to good oral hygiene and supportive periodontal maintenance have much more bone loss than those who do.
Supportive periodontal care is important if you are susceptible to gum disease. If you have residual pockets deeper than 3-4 mm, it becomes difficult for you to reach some areas with oral hygiene techniques. As plaque builds up in areas you cannot get to , bacteria will continue to accumulate in these areas and can have a negative effect on the bone and soft tissue around your teeth. Our doctors will advise on the recommended maintenance schedule suitable for you.
Your maintenance/supportive periodontal care visit may include the following:
Update of your medical and dental history
Soft tissue assessment.
Clinical periodontal examination which includes the measurements of the depth of the pockets around your teeth.
Clinical examination including examination of teeth for decay and any other dental problems.
Update radiographs
Assessment of your oral hygiene habits and home care procedures.
Removal of bacterial plaque and tartar
Root planing under the gum as needed
Administration of medications to reduce tooth sensitivity and in some cases bacterial load
Confirmation of recall frequency and scheduling of next appointment
Your intervals between your supportive periodontal care is determined by your periodontal condition after initial treatment is completed. Your susceptibility to periodontal disease as well as your ability to manage your gums also influence the frequency of your periodontal maintenance. At the Perio Centre we work very closely with your Dentist to provide you with the best possible care and formulate the best maintenance plan for you. A share care programme with your Dentist is sometimes recommended.