
A revolution in the treatment of gum disease using a non-surgical approach.

Surgery is the traditional treatment option for people diagnosed with advanced stages of periodontal (gum) disease. Now with perioscopy, for some patients periodontal surgery is not necessary. Dr Rosenberg, his associates and his hygienists have had extensive training in perioscopy and have been utilising this technology to successfully treat patients with periodontal disease for over 10 years.

Perioscopy utilises a miniature dental endoscope with advanced video lighting and 48 times magnification that allows clinicians to see details of tooth anatomy and mineralised deposits and treat periodontal disease in a minimally invasive way.

The camera is attached to a probe which is gently placed below the gum line. The images are displayed on the video screen enabling the clinician and you to see. The magnification allows you to view details below the gum line that could have been easily missed.



When will I know if I need Perioscopy?

After the completion of a comprehensive periodontal assessment, you will be advised if you are suitable for perioscopy.

What is the treatment process?

  • Local anaesthesia will be administered prior to procedure.

  • A small tip (endoscope) is placed beneath the gum.

  • The endoscope is carefully swept along the tooth root surface removing plaque with water flushing out the pocket.

  • Fine instruments will be used to remove mineralised bacterial deposits below the gum line.

  • Once thorough debridement has been achieved, the healing process commences, preventing further gum damage and tooth loss.

  • Perioscopy will take a bit longer than the standard appointment due to the intricate nature of the procedure.


  • Perioscopy is a minimally invasive, non–surgical option.

  • There is less tissue trauma to surrounding areas resulting in faster healing.

  • We are able to detect unseen calculus that causes bleeding and inflammation.

  • Not only is the treatment process comfortable, there is also less gum recession occurring post-operatively which results in less sensitivity and a better cosmetic outcome.

  • The endoscope also allows early detection of undiagnosed dental problems such as decay, cracks, failing restorations & root fractures.

  • The long term results of perioscopy are monitored with regular maintenance appointments.

  • In some cases, it may be possible to have all treatment in one appointment making it convenient for busy or out of town patients.